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Updated : August 20, 2024

Department of Psychiatry


Takashi Okada(Professor)

Takahira Yamauchi(Lecturer)

Kiwamu Matsuoka(Lecturer)

Tsubasa Morimoto(Lecturer)

Izumi Harada(Assistant Professor)

Ryohei Takada(Assistant Professor)

Ryo Mizui(Assistant Professor)

Masato Honda(Assistant Professor)

Minobu Ikehara(Assistant Professor)

Yuka Fujimoto(Assistant Professor)


This department is equipped with psychiatric medical services center, which serves emergency care as a tertiary emergency medical institution of the prefecture, and consists of rich clinical fields, i.e., an outpatient clinic of child and adolescent psychiatry, general psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, psychiatric rehabilitation (day care, occupational therapy, and social skill training) and psychiatric care for patients comorbid with physical illness. We are also engaged in cutting-edge researches to elucidate pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric disorders and to develop novel treatment strategies. Our researches include elucidation of biomarkers including cytokines and macrophage phagocytic activity, whole genome sequences, proteome analysis, structural/functional neuroimaging, near infra-red spectoroscopy, event-related potential, neuropsychological functions, eye movements, and autonomic nerve function. Our clinical investigations also include pharmacological therapies, neuromodulation, psychotherapies ex. cognitive-behavioral therapies as well as the development of novel interventional techniques. In addition, based on the knowledge of neurosciences, we are driving behavioral analysis using animal models, molecular biological studies using patient-derived macrophages and pluripotent stem cells, electrophysiological studies for the pathological elucidation of mental disorders and development of novel interventional methods. We are also actively developing cooperation both inside and outside the university. We are also conducting research such as natural language analysis using artificial intelligence (AI).


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